Thursday, July 27, 2006

Keep Your Shirt On

British men may be barred from baring their chests - and stomachs - in public under new local laws being considered by town halls.


  1. Dirty bitch your on my list.

  2. Well this guy on the pic should be sent to prison for just looking so gross!

  3. SID: Sharrup, Oirish wanker. Wot list?

  4. SID: Fucking time. But which one is it? Can't you make a regular blogroll like everyone else? Oirish fecker.

  5. That's Mr MJ, isn't it?

  6. While broadly sharing your concerns about gentlemen baring flesh - I would put an age limit on it if I had to, I view far more seriously the crime of being pointed, without warning to a Daily Mail site. Apologise now.
    Daily Mail readers should be imprisoned with no-one for company but obese naked men over the age of 60.

  7. Thank God for small favors...

  8. Piggy: No it isn't. And leave Mr. MJ out of it. Do I mess with YOUR man?

    Vicus: I read all the British tabloids including... sit down for it... The Sun!

    Maddie: Amen.

  9. MJ he's just mad because you found a picture of what he looked like before the operation.

  10. Btw, Hey Charles!

    MJ, Charles is a super guy! And he cooks too!

    Charles, MJ is phenomenal!

  11. Awaiting: Piggy BEFORE the operation?! The surgeon did a half-arse job 'cause he still has those man boobs.

    Charles the Queer Chef rocks.

  12. gawd, last weekend I saw a shirtless man on a riding lawn mower going over bumpy terrain, little fried egg tits wobbling. Revolted is not a big enough word. Cover that mess up - I don't give a shit if it IS 105 degrees - some of us want to have an appetite again in this lifetime!
